Abbfab Services have been independently assessed as being compliant with BS EN 1090, this is a European standard which applies to anyone manufacturing and selling fabricated steel (and aluminium) structures within the EU, because structural steel products are deemed 'safety critical' as part of the Construction Products Directive, it is a legal requirement to meet the requirements of BS EN 1090.
The requirements of BS EN 1090 ensure that appropriate controls are in place at every stage of the manufacturing process. The standard embraces all processes from the procurement of raw materials through to final inspection and testing. Verification of compliance will include such areas as:
Material certification of analysis, testing and storage.
Staff training, testing and qualification.
Equipment calibration.
Consumable certification and control.
Quality control and testing of product.
Control of records and documents, including control of issue.
Product identification and marking.
Internal audit.
Control of non conforming product.
BS EN 1090 sets out four Execution Classes (EXC's), as listed below. These classes are based on the end use of the structure and how critical it would be if it failed:
EXC1 e.g. Agricultural buildings
EXC2 e.g. Residential or Commercial structures
EXC3 e.g. Bridges or Stadia
EXC4 e.g. Special structures (long-span bridges, frames for structures within the nuclear sector and structures within seismic active areas) etc.
Abbfab Servicess are certified to manufacture steel structures up to and including Execution Class 2 and these fabrications are 'CE' marked.
We are able to offer a variety of structural fabrications, for example access ladders fitted with safety cages, access platforms, various support assemblies (e.g. pipe bridges) lifting gantries (complete with load testing certification) these can be manufactured using the clients own designs (with suitable design calculations) or we can produce a suitable design with calculations if required by the client.